Strategies: Exploring the Map and Terrain

Peeling Back the Fog of War

Using the map is an essential element of strategic playing. It enables you to see the terrain, your enemies' locations, and where you can acquire technology upgrades, power stations, and key sectors and beam gates. If you can't see at least half of the map, you won't be able to utilize the tremendous power it can give you.

Your view of the map expands as you peel back the fog of war. To see a particular sector of the map, you must enter that area with a vehicle.

Sending scouts, or radar vehicles, to the four corners of the map is an excellent way to peel back the fog of war. As a Resistance member, your radar vehicle is actually called the Scout. Click a Scout in the Squadron Manager and then click a destination point on the map, or select a Scout on the map and then click a destination. As a Scout reaches its destination, you will be able to view more and more of the map's terrain. If Scouts are unavailable, send your least expensive and fastest units.

If you see an enemy scout in your area, destroy it. Although scouts cannot fire, your enemy is learning about your terrain. Once you take down the scout (if it is the only enemy vehicle in the area), your enemy's fog of war redescends and he will be unable to view that area of the map until he sends out another vehicle. Of course, the same is true if the enemy realizes your strategy and shoots down your scout.